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A few weeks ago, I attempting to make a prototype in a bunch of different 2D game engines/frameworks to learn what makes them tick.


If you're shopping around for an engine for your next 2D game, this article will provide some things to consider that may help in your discernment process.


Do note that I'm not attempting to cover every 2D game engine out there; nor am I positioning one engine or framework over another.  These recommendations are from my personal experience using different engines and frameworks for prototyping.

请注意,我并没有尝试涵盖所有2D游戏引擎。 我也不会将一个引擎或框架放在另一个之上。 这些建议来自我的个人经验,他们使用了不同的引擎和原型制作框架。

And if you'd prefer to watch rather than read, I've created a video version of this post (26 minute watch):


React (React)

At first glance, you might be thinking, " is a front end framework for making interactive websites. It's not a game engine!" And you'd be mostly correct.

乍一看,您可能会想:“ 是用于制作交互式网站的前端框架。它不是游戏引擎!” 而且您基本上是正确的。

React doesn't provide native support for game development basics, like, for example, 2D physics, but it does handle state extremely well.  If you're already a JavaScript developer and willing to pair React with something like to make a simple 2D game, you could potentially get a prototype up and running pretty quickly.

React没有为游戏开发基础提供本地支持,例如2D物理,但是它确实能够很好地处理状态。 如果您已经是JavaScript开发人员,并且愿意将React与东西配对以制作简单的2D游戏,则可以潜在地使原型快速启动并运行。

For all other types of 2D games, you'll want to look elsewhere.


统一 (Unity)

has made itself ubiquitous in the 2D and 3D game development spaces. I'd position it as an excellent 3D game engine, and a serviceable 2D one.

在2D和3D游戏开发领域中无处不在。 我将其定位为出色的3D游戏引擎和可维护的2D游戏引擎。

The Unity editor is fairly complex, with a lot of nested menus that take some time to wrap your head around (check out for a tour of its 2D features).  If you don't already have a background in C#, which Unity uses for scripting, you'll want to brush up on it prior to learning Unity, as doing so will ease your overall learning curve.

Unity编辑器非常复杂,有很多嵌套菜单,这些菜单需要一些时间来解决问题(请查看以了解其2D功能)。 如果您还没有Unity用来编写脚本的C#背景,那么您需要在学习Unity之前对其进行梳理,因为这样做可以减轻您的总体学习难度。

Unity also does a lot of things the "hard way" when it comes to 2D game development, which doesn't feel native compared to other game engines.  Creating a 2D game world in Unity, for example, feels like you're shoehorning a 2D plane into a large 3D space, and things like animation and pixel perfection are more clunky than in other 2D-specific engines.

统一也做了很多事情“硬办法”,当涉及到2D游戏的发展,这并不比其他游戏引擎觉得本地人。 例如,在Unity中创建2D游戏世界的感觉就像是将2D平面塞进一个大型3D空间中,并且动画和像素完美之类的东西比其他特定于2D的引擎更笨拙。

You can make any type of 2D game with Unity if you're willing to wrestle with the editor and underlying 3D idiosyncrasies. It has extensive community support, and you'll find that working with C# is a delight. Additionally, Unity's Asset Store has all kinds of art and templates for you to download and purchase, but buyer beware: you might spend as much time rewriting someone else's code to fit your project as you would just starting from scratch.

如果您愿意与编辑器和底层3D特性进行搏斗,则可以使用Unity制作任何类型的2D游戏。 它具有广泛的社区支持,并且您会发现使用C#感到很高兴。 此外,Unity的资产商店提供了各种各样的艺术品和模板供您下载和购买,但买家要当心:您可能花费大量的时间来重写别人的代码以适合您的项目,就像从头开始一样。

Unity is, in general, free to use, but pricing becomes more complex if you want to use everything it has to offer (see for more details).

团结就是,在一般情况下,可以免费使用,但是如果你想使用它提供的一切 (见价格变得更加复杂, 有详细介绍)。

戈多 (Godot)

is a free and open source 2D and 3D game engine that supports GDScript, C#, and even C++ and Python if you're willing to do a lot of the heavy lifting to make them work.  It supports a node-style workflow and is super lightweight.

是一个免费的开源2D和3D游戏引擎,如果您愿意为使它们正常工作而付出很多努力,则它支持GDScript,C#甚至C ++和Python。 它支持节点样式的工作流,并且超轻量级。

If you're a) willing to invest in learning GDScript or b) already super good at C#, C++, or Python, you'll probably be fine in Godot, particularly if you like working with open source software.  If not, you may get easily frustrated, as there isn't nearly as much support for C# or other languages as there is for GDScript.  Still, Godot is a pleasant engine with which to work, and although it may not have the same pedigree and community support as something like Unity, if you're a self-starter you might feel well at home.

如果您a)愿意投资学习GDScript,或者b)已经非常擅长C#,C ++或Python,那么您在Godot中可能会很好,特别是如果您喜欢使用开源软件。 如果没有,您可能会很沮丧,因为对C#或其他语言的支持几乎没有对GDScript的支持。 尽管如此,Godot还是一个令人愉悦的引擎,虽然它可能没有Unity等类似的血统和社区支持,但是如果您是一个自我启动者,您可能会感到宾至如归。

构造3 (Construct 3)

If you just want to make 2D games and don't care about programming language or subscription fees, you'll find to have everything you need to get a demo up and running, and quickly.  All of your work will be done in a browser, using drag-and-drop tools (and custom JavaScript support if you need it).

如果您只想制作2D游戏,而不在乎编程语言或订阅费,您会发现具备快速启动并运行演示所需的一切。 您的所有工作都将在浏览器中使用拖放工具完成(如果需要,还可以使用自定义JavaScript支持)。

Don't expect to have a meaningfully productive experience with Construct 3 for free, however.  There's a simple demo that you can try out, but impactful game development with Construct 3 is locked behind a paywall, and a subscription at that.

但是,不要指望免费获得关于Construct 3的有意义的生产体验。 您可以尝试一个简单的演示,但是使用Construct 3进行具有影响力的游戏开发将被锁定在付费专栏后面,并且需要进行订阅。

游戏制作工作室2 (Game Maker Studio 2)

has a user-friendly editor that supports a proprietary language called, appropriately, Game Maker Language (GML), along with visual scripting.  It also has a lot of tutorials, great community support, and an asset store (which comes with the same caveats as Unity's, above).

具有易于使用的编辑器,该编辑器支持一种专有语言,即Game Maker Language(GML)和可视化脚本。 它还有很多教程,强大的社区支持和资产存储(与上面的Unity相同)。

The general workflow of Game Maker Studio 2 and doing things like animating sprites, setting up your game world, and so on, are straightforward and intuitive. GML might not be your cup of tea if you're coming from another, more widely-used programming language, and I would not recommend it as your first introduction to learning how to code.  It employs some of the basic concepts of programming, but not important details such as coding best practices or how to write clean code.

Game Maker Studio 2的常规工作流程以及执行诸如使精灵动画,设置游戏世界等等之类的工作都是简单直观的。 如果您来自另一种使用更广泛的编程语言,那么GML可能不是您的最佳选择,而且我建议您将GML作为学习如何编码的第一篇入门文章。 它采用了一些编程的基本概念,但没有采用诸如编码最佳实践或如何编写简洁代码之类的重要细节。

Additionally, you can try Game Maker Studio 2 with a free 30-day trial, but will need to pay to continue to use it after that time.

此外,您可以免费试用30天的Game Maker Studio 2,但需要付费才能在该时间后继续使用。

移相器3 (Phaser 3)

If you want to code everything and learn a lot about the JavaScript ecosystem while doing it, check out (or wait for Phaser 4, which is ).

如果您想编写所有代码并在此过程中学习很多关于JavaScript生态系统的知识,请查看 (或等待即将 Phaser 4)。

Phaser is a lightweight and powerful JavaScript framework for making 2D games.  Whereas Phaser 2 was extremely well-documented and had excellent community support, Phaser 3 is quite the opposite.  There's good official documentation and a bunch of examples (without much context around them, it must be said), and a dreadfully small amount of tutorials.

Phaser是用于制作2D游戏的轻量级且功能强大JavaScript框架。 虽然Phaser 2的文档记录非常详尽,并且得到了社区的大力支持,但是Phaser 3却恰恰相反。 有很好的官方文档和大量示例(必须说的没有太多上下文),以及少量的教程。

Expect to build everything yourself, but if you're looking for ES6 or TypeScript support, or if you really want to polish your skills as a JavaScript developer, you'll be able to go a long way with Phaser 3.

期望自己构建所有内容,但是如果您正在寻找ES6或TypeScript支持,或者如果您确实想提高自己作为JavaScript开发人员的技能,那么您将可以在Phaser 3上走得很远。

In the interest of fairness, I should mention a two other 2D game engines that have been recommended to me since I started writing on the topic: , which uses Lua, and , which supports C#.  I haven't used either of them (or others, such as ), and can't speak to their usefulness, but they may be worth checking out.

在公平起见,我应该指出,已经推荐给我的,因为我开始写关于这一主题的其他两个2D游戏引擎: ,使用了Lua和 ,它支持C#。 我没有使用过它们中的任何一个(或其他,例如 ),也无法说明它们的用处,但也许值得一试。

Let me know which 2D game engine you wind up using, and why!


If you enjoyed this article, please consider , , or .

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请考虑 , 或 。

M. S. Farzan, Ph.D. has written and worked for high-profile video game companies and editorial websites such as Electronic Arts, Perfect World Entertainment, Modus Games, and MMORPG.com, and has served as the Community Manager for games like Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter and Mass Effect: Andromeda. He is the Creative Director and Lead Game Designer of and author of . Find M. S. Farzan on Twitter .

法赞(MS Farzan)博士 他曾为知名的视频游戏公司和编辑网站(例如,Electronic Arts,Perfect World Entertainment,Modus Games和MMORPG.com)撰写和工作,并曾担任《龙与地下城:龙骨无双》和《 质量效应:仙女座》等游戏的社区经理。 。 他是《 的创意总监和首席游戏设计师,并且是《 作者。 在Twitter 上找到MS 。




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